Title: Lost Universe
Status: The first 2 volumes were released by another group. I have the English translation from Camui. I’ll edit volume 3 after I finish the Nuku Nuku manga…
Comments: The group that released the first 2 volumes dropped the project because their leader/translator had to quit due to personal reasons. I remember how everyone was so devastated when she made the announcement, but that’s life. Yes, I was active in the channel and corresponded with the translator before she quit (trying to change her mind unsuccessfully). So this has always been a dream of mine to finish up since no one else seemed interested in picking it up. Thankfully Camui came onboard for the Nuku Nuku manga project, and wanted more work after she finished Nuku Nuku. So Lost Universe piked her interest and she was bribed to translate volume 3 as well. My first priority is Nuku Nuku, then Lost Universe. Be patient. I’ll get to it eventually. In the meantime, read volume 1-2 while you wait…
Chapter 01 (5MB)
Chapter 02 (4MB)
Chapter 03 (4MB)
Chapter 04 (7MB)
Chapter 05 (7MB)
Chapter 06 (2MB)
Chapter 07 (4MB)
Chapter 08 (4MB)
Chapter 09 (4MB)
Chapter 10 (4MB)
Chapter 11 (4MB)
Chapter 12 (4MB)
Chapter 13 (4MB)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20